First, a quick story. Or scroll all the way to the bottom to learn how to win a FREE pass at massage envy (good for a 1-hour massage, or comparable!) - Must enter by 11/7!
I used to think I couldn't do it all.
This was WAY before I opened our Home, never mind before becoming a mom. The universe has a way of guiding us to our "supposed to be" place, I think.
I didn't think I had time to work out when I got out of college. Then, my mom made me come to a Zumba class with her. I didn't think I'd ever want to teach. Then, my mom made me come to Zumba teacher training with her. I never thought I'd have time to teach. Well ... you know the rest. How about also being an Engineer at Dell and recently, a mom. I'm sorry, WHAT?
The point is, we all feel that way. We all feel like "ugh I don't even want to THINK about what it would take to get my body and mind in the motion of positive change ... never mind actually DO something about it. I probably can't anyway. At least not like THEM ..."
We've all felt like imposters.
Like we shouldn't be wearing whatever hat we're wearing. Afraid to talk about it. To ask for help even, just to get through a day or a moment. As if it makes us less than.
Spoiler alert: I feel it ALL the time!! And you know what? So has EVERYONE YOU KNOW!
Well, tonight, in Hot Buti, I was wrapping up my guided meditation and I shit you not ... for the FIRST TIME EVER ... the google home on the wall suddenly said ...
"You're the best. I'm happy to help you"
It was everything. One of those moments you'll never forget if you were there. One of the THOUSANDS of special moments we've had in our home. Moments that really make you happier in life.
What's your "I'll never forget when ..." moment at the Studio?
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One that stands out for me is at the very end of my 6-week challenge when was I dared/ encouraged to take a class that I never in a million years thought I’d be able to take. I took the class and remember leaving the studio in tears feeling so proud and amazed of myself. I’ll never forget that moment, for sure
I have oh so many but a few of my favorites were: Karen, I'm in your spot...I'll move. Okay....who knew that people were aware of where you were comfortable and were willing to move for YOU...happened more than once. Taking my first BUTI Yoga with Ericka and thinking..WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING as I get up and RUN OUT OF THE ROOM. The next visit I have a note from OUR HEATHER saying don't give up!!! Seeing people after Covid and just running into their arms and hugging...who does that at any other "gym". Lastly, the most special one. My dad just died and in final shivasina ( I can't say it let alone SPELL IT) I sta…
I loved it when I was able to help paint and set up the new addition of "Room C". It was awesome to get to be a part of expanding our home. I was also able to meet friendz that I had never crossed paths with before and see the talent that many had. I loved being able to be a part of that.
I have a few moments but my first one is the one that stands out the most. I took dance classes for a good part of my childhood and it was my favorite part of the week. I enrolled in a dance program at school in middle school, after the first year I was told I could not continue because I did not have a dancers body and had no future in the dance world, I was 13 and awkward. After my first Zumba class at the studio the instructor (Shannon) came up to me and told me it was clear I had danced before and I did awesome and she hoped I would come back soon. 6 years la…