Starting anything new is a lot. Bookmark this page and read a little bit each day before you come, or just keep going back to it til you know all the tricks! Chat with us here if you have any questions! Also know, there are signs for everything, everywhere!
Note, if you're rocking Virtual, that info is here
1) Get Here
Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before any class
We're at 196 Boston Turnpike Rd (Route 9 East), Across from Whole Foods, Drew Mortgage complex, beneath T-Mobile
Park in the lot between Bank of America and T-Mobile
Enter through the glass doors heading to the lower level
2) Check In
Enter the Studio via the Tiki Room (3rd door on the left)
Check in at the Tiki Bar by talking to one of our Desk Divas
Change your shoes and hang your coat, leave your bag, etc. in the FRIENDz Lounge (across from the Tiki Room) on the aptly labeled shelves). We have cameras everywhere, don't fret!
3) Ameneties
Restrooms are down the hall, just keep going when you get there
- Water is for sale and located in the Zen Den (as well as clothing & more), cash or credit accepted
FRIENDz Lounge is for all your belongings
All Equipment needed for classes, including mats, is located in the 2 equipment rooms (attached to the fitness rooms)
Towels are available to borrow in each of the aerobics rooms (also for sale)
Babysitting is located inside Studio C (the first door on the Left when you come down the stairs), please stay with your Kidz if the sitter is not in the room Make sure you complete the pre-registration for KIDz, whether th ey're heading to The KIDz Zone (babysitting) or a class!
Find all current policies here
If you're running late please email us, otherwise your spot may be forfeited
Make sure you check in or you will be marked as a no-show (fees apply)
Cancel at least 12 hours before class (Specialty classes are non-cancelable) Fees otherwise apply.​
No street shoes in aerobics rooms
Deodorant must be worn, perfume and heavily scented essential oils are not permitted
5) Next
Next Class​
Book ahead, save your spot!
Leave your shoes & mat in the FRIENDz Lounge. Just grab a name tag and wrap it around them!​
Between Classes:
Upgrade your pass to a membership for the best deal!
Download our app. With the app you can scan in at the Tiki going forward!
Join our FB Group. It's the fastest way to get answers and get acclimated
Join our Blog. We post with your valuable time in mind, infrequent and short!​​​​​​
Level Up
Ask the FB group for their latest recommendations on Yoga mats, shoes, and even workout clothes!
Challenge yourself to try a new class every couple of weeks, or sooner!
Prepare to amaze yourself!
And when you're ready ... Ask us about Rentals, 6 Week Challenges, Online Challenges, and other Perks!