We Bet You Look Great in Hats
Not fedoras. The “hats” of life. Parent, partner, teacher, student, professional.
Remember when you didn't apologize for making "me" time?
We get it. Your time is 100x more valuable. Thinking about taking action is hard enough, never mind doing it. What about your kids? Your job?
But you don't feel like you. You hide from the mirror, from your thoughts. You overcompensate. You give and give, and give a little more.
Can you guiltlessly devote time to self-care like you used to, or first the first time ever, AND rock the hats? Can you REALLY have it all?

Get the Dream Bod Job

This is about WAY more than looks. This is about FEELING. How YOU feel. How you treat, accept, honor, and LOVE yourself. All of yourself. And what you do with that.
Imagine ...
You found a fitness home that gets you whatever "results" means to you. A true Happy Hour. You feel great in classes. Then, outside classes. You start to recognize yourself again. Especially in your mind.
Yowza you missed that badass. You're back. Crushing unspoken goals. Smiling just for the sake of smiling. You're FEARLESS again.
So, why not go out for that promotion? Why not make that major life decision? Why not gain SO much more than a smaller pants size? This is NOT about the pants size.
It sounds crazy. But it's unavoidable.
The alternative is continuing down the path toward medical or psychological intervention. Also unavoidable. And a lot more expensive.
One decision changes everything.
We Have Unlocked The Code
Lauren designed a studio to defy every excuse she made early in life. Over a decade later it's a simple fact: she cracked the code. And her whole team has the formula.
She nixed bright lights, chopped class capacities, offered variety in type & time, hired a team based on their SKILLS not their looks, and offered babysitting right off the bat. Plus, the Tiki bar.
Thousands of lives have been transformed by Lauren and her team. And the best part? They're all just like you. Lauren is a busy AF Senior Engineer with a husband and Toddler at home. She gets you. Everyone gets you.
Follow someone who walks the talk. Who makes you better because they made themselves better. Someone who, simply put, gets you.
At Fit FRIENDzy Studios, everyone is that.
A gym? Ha. Try a magical portal to the one thing you've always wanted. Acceptance. 100% unfiltered self, and tribe, acceptance.
Can you really afford to walk away? One decision ...

3 Steps to Guilt-Free Self-Care

Step 3: Become a FRIEND
FRIENDz are busy. They wear many, many hats—usually all at once.
Driven. Chaotic. Organized. Messy. Uncoordinated. Athletes. Novices. Pre-teens. Retirees.
FRIENDz prioritize their health and happiness unconditionally.
Without guilt.
Their journey is about SO much more than skinny jeans.
Have this.
We Believe in You

Whether now is the time we're meant to meet or not, the Fit FRIENDzy Studios team believes everyone deserves a ticket to Happy Hour.
Maybe you're not ready to grab an intro offer, so just answer a few questions about what led you here, and we'll take care of the rest. Act now and you might be one of 20 who will receive a coveted 5-step life guide valued at over $99, for FREE.
Just remember, we obsess over 2 very specific promises:
1- We value your time
2- We value your goals
Every single minute you spend with us will be worth it. It will make you happier. Better.
And every goal is different. Lose weight. Be stronger. Smile more. Some just want to be.
Whether you're 15 or 95 (or 5 weeks old!), we get it. Whether you're an elite athlete or brand new to fitness, we get it. Whether you want to go at it from the comfort of your home or thrive in a community setting, we get it.
We get you. We're like you. We promise.
One decision ...