FFS is Closed as of Tuesday 3/17/20, until TBD. A Note from Lauren. (be sure to read all the way through, or at least scroll to the bottom for some important links) I don't think you need me to say how much your wellness matters to me, to our whole team here at our home. Heck ... to your FRIENDz in our home. But I will ... you mean the world to me. Your health and wellness, and not just in this situation, but in general, are the reason I ... WE ... do what we do. I built this home so that incredible souls like you would have a place to escape and be free. To let loose, to shed the weight ... in every sense of the word. Over the past 6 years I can confidently say that not only has our team succeeded in making our HOME a paradise, but we've turned the concept of "FRIENDz-ship" into a FEELING. And ... in light of this situation ... we get to take the FEELING to our homes! To our families! Our children! How INCREDIBLE! Over the next TBD weeks, I am so very excited to be able to spend time connecting with myself. Doing some of the things I haven't been able to do because I was so caught up in the "rush" of life. To spend time THINKING BIG. Oh, and let me tell you, my big, is BIG. For me. For our home. For you. Just you wait. This time in history will mark an INCREDIBLE chapter in the Fit FRIENDzy Studios biography. We're about to change our trajectory. Mark my words. Now, don't confuse my "thinking time" with a corresponding drop in caring about my wellness. The opposite actually. I can't wait to MAKE the time to cook healthy dinners, to take the FEELING of FRIENDz-ship and deliver online classes to your first homes (I finally accepted we're your SECOND home, but I'll take it! :) ) Don't fret FRIENDz. I promise, if you stick it out with us, you'll hit those goals. Heck, you won't even slow down despite this crazy. Have I let you down yet? What can you expect from us over the next few weeks? Online classes and seminars will be made available to FRIENDz with active memberships, and will be available for purchase at an extremely discounted price for those who aren't members. Jump-start customized nutrition plans will be available for purchase. Discounted Packages will be offered for post-closure use, to current and new FRIENDz alike. FREE at-home challenges & workout tips & food tips will be made available via our private FB group and our blog. While you may not be able to touch us, I can assure you, if anything ... we're working harder for you. We wouldn't be here if it weren't for you, and it is my genuine hope that you feel that way during this entire journey. We're consolidating all communications at this time to our website blog & our private FB group (for those who don't FB) and below are the best ways to stay connected: Website - Become a Member (Videos)
With all of my love, gratitude, and compassion, Lauren "Pigtails" Caparso